Dawn Conry


Dawn Conry, Das Cruz, Orange Coils, Retirement Party, Horse Girl
Dawn Conry, Life Comes Quickly

Dawnry, (Dawn Conry) is a Phoenix based collage and mixed media artist who crosses the boundary from theatre designer to visual artist. With her artwork, she challenges images, messages, or ideas presented in print format, and imagines a different story. The intention is to let the images speak their own narrative, then work to make it a reality.

Working over 20 years among valley theatre companies; she would take one object and transform it into something completely different according to the need of the production. A favorite quote of hers, “I can totally make this look like a dead animal. Does it need to be stiff dead or floppy dead?” She began to realize that such transformations could happen without a need of the purpose of a production, the object could just change. 

Working in theatre allows for collaboration with a design team to create a single performance production. Collage allows for the same collaboration between print images, design, and art. Such collaborations happen by coincidence, accident, and deliberate effort. In the work she sees the connection of herself to the outer world. 

Dawnry is especially interested in exploring her own experiences in assisting the process that will create a body of work that speaks to health, social and political issues.
